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Professor Chandra from Colorado State University Visits CUIT

July 7, 2017  clicktimes:[]

4th July, 2017

Professor Chandra from Colorado State University visited our university and had a meeting with President Yu Minming and Vice President He Jianxin in No. 8 Conference Room of Administrative Building. Liu Wei, Deputy Director of International Office, Yang Ling, Dean of School of Electronic Engineering, Su Debin, Professor of School of Electronic Engineering participated in the meeting.


President Yu showed warm welcome to Professor Chandra and sent gratitude for his contribution to the relationship between the two universities. He stressed that both sides should maintain a positive partnership in discipline construction and training of personnel and teaching staff.

Chandra hoped that both sides could strengthen the cooperative relationship and set up a good intercollegiate communication platform. He also welcomed teachers and students of CUIT to visit Colorado State University and join the local radar network system which is under construction.